Life can be like a river, if you relax and let it happen.
I am a leaf, swirling along, taken by the whim of life's current. Without volition. Without desire. Without regret.
Sometimes the flow is swift and things happen around me in a rapidly changing kaleidoscope. Sometimes the river widens and the flow slows. These are the languid days. Beer and mudcrabs on the island.
Sometimes there is an eddie that swirls me around and around the same part close to the bank. Routine with the taste of security.
Sometimes the river runs fast through the shallows or in white madness over rocks. Leaf-me flung through the air and precipitated into raging foam. Ordering a plain old Indian Take-away for lunch and having the whole restaurant building fall around you in an earthquake.
But ah - the beautiful times when another leaf finds itself for a while following the same liquid path. Edges touching, overlapping as we share the joy, the madness, the routine, the dangers, the losses.
Together, yet each still pursuing their own way, the destination unknown, the journeying the whole.
And so the time comes, as it always will if you allow life to be the driver, when our responses to the flows within the one river take us on our separate ways. A rightness. A beauty. A sorrow. But Love remains.
Ivonne left for Wellington today.
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