Rants from the Silver Fox

Welcome to the sporadic rants of the Silver Fox.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Beaver, Beaver, Beaver

Oh look. There are some beavers doing their thing, munching into trees, felling them, damming the river, making their homes and guaranteeing their food supply.

I wait and wait. I look and I look.


I do not see another group of beavers holding signs saying "save the forests", "save the river".

I am a creature of earth just as they are, no more, no less.

Our earlier human hubris that led us to believe we had lordship and ownership of this earth and all on it caused problems. That is gradually passing.

Now it is a human hubris that leads us to believe we have responsibility and guardianship of the earth and all on it.

No change.

We do not have these things. We are the same as all living things in that respect. We err when we set ourselves apart, instead of just doing what all the other living things do - getting on with changing the environment to suit our needs. Need for shelter, need for food, need for quality of life.

Hey, who says that beavers are not taking quality of life into account? Let's assume that food and shelter are the only driving forces and then examine their locations on the basis of that model alone. I bet you we would find at least one case where we would ask ourselves: "Why did they settle there? This other spot would be more logical, would fit that model better."

Don't like the idea? OK. Do the research and then show me I'm wrong.

Until then ... just maybe.

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