Rants from the Silver Fox

Welcome to the sporadic rants of the Silver Fox.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


I love the way the voting system works. You get a vote, and just the one vote. Really?

While a government is in power, representing the wishes of the electorate, allegedly, there are numerous influences on the decision-making process. There is of course lobbying. A kind of horse-trading agreement where benefits might accrue to a politician or a party, be it even enhanced public image, if only a certain course of action is favoured. Someone is getting an extra vote.

Or what about the case in Australia where after election, the Prime Minister, Bob Hawke, arranged - as promised - discussions with unions and business on issues of labour and capital. Someone is getting to vote twice.

But this is really of no consequence whatsoever. The real voting takes place in another way.

Every time you spend a dollar, you are voting for the lifestyle, monetary consequences, cultural consequences, ethics and more by where you choose to spend that dollar and what on.

Every time you choose to buy something, you are voting with your dollars.

It is this that more dictates the choices available to everyone, the life-style choices available to all, the ethos and culture of the country and, to some extent, the laws that are made.

Spend your money wisely to support only those businesses, outlets, products, manufacturing practices, business ethics and , let's face it, countries that you truly wish to support.

Otherwise - well, you are just wasting your voting power.

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